Infinity War: My thoughts

No spoilers ahead, because I am a good human being.


Let me confess- I haven’t read any Marvel comic books, I haven’t been waiting for Infinity War for 10 whole years, mainly because I had no idea that there was supposed to be a movie like this, and I didn’t know every tiny detail from the comics that must have been in the movies. Despite not being what a lot of people on the internet like to call a ‘real fan’, I was as excited for this movie as any hardcore fan. Of course, I have been following the MCU since 2008, but I was barely 7 when I watched Iron-man in his awesome suit for the first time and I didn’t realize how big this universe was about to become. Nevertheless, I have been a fan of the MCU for 10 years and I won’t let anyone take that away from me.

I think we can all agree that Infinity War was one of the biggest movies in the history of cinema. After I watched the movie on Friday, I was mesmerized, heartbroken, appalled, and exuberant all at once. I had experienced something that felt more like an event than a movie, and honestly, it felt beautiful to be part of it. I joined in the hooting when our favorite superheroes appeared on screen; I laughed with the crowd at the silly jokes they cracked; I shed a few tears, with the huge fandom I was a tiny part of, as they took our hearts and crushed them into tiny pieces. These seemingly trivial things were only what made a marvel of a movie even better. I sat in the theater with people I had never met before, but we witnessed something huge, together and that’s what made it so special.

To all the critics who say they felt the movie was overstuffed, or too long, or that they couldn’t make sense of most of the movie, all I’d like to say is- try making a movie as big as this one and then review that. I’m not trying to justify the mistakes they made by saying that it was difficult to avoid those mistakes. I’m saying they did their best, and it was pretty damn good. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the amount of effort that must have gone into this masterpiece, and in trying to satisfy the comic book fans as well as the MCU fans. Everyone involved in the making of this movie deserves all the love they are getting.

In conclusion I want to say, Infinity War was one of the best movies I’ve watched. It has destroyed all the norms that superhero movies have followed for years, it has taken huge risks by killing some of our favourite characters (this isn’t a spoiler, you guys know someone is going to die in this movie), and most of all, it has left us waiting eagerly for 2019.

– Poorna Rathi