The Place Where It All Began…

“You cannot come back.”


“Go away.”


“Leave me alone,” she yelled, trying to lock and throw away all her grotesque, cold memories from her soul.


It had originated in her heart slowly radiating to each and every nerve in her body, bringing back all the agony, the ache, the anxiety that she had experienced three years ago. Sharp pain lanced through her head and awfully colourful spots flashed in her eyes.


“Run Gazella!”

“Run,” was all she could hear gasping to herself with deep, heavy breaths, trying to save her dignity, save her self-respect, save herself! Bits of events sporadically flickered into her memory; heavy rains, aloof road, bli-blisters, pain- torture, m-men!


She was perspiring out fear, enmeshed in horror. The men had grabbed her blonde hair, clasped her hand, gripped her neck and banged her on the ground. Terror struck her as they came closer to her, so close that she could feel and hear their breath. The leaves were rustling, the sky was roaring, the sea was rumbling.

Gazella’s throat was shut in threat. She felt like icy, liquified metal was splashed on her skin. Even her sweat and the merciless rain drenched her lifeless soul. She could hear her own wild screams; ringing in her ears. Her fingers had turned into a fist that quivered with excruciating pain, and nails digging straight into her palm. Her teeth crunched over her lips harder and harder as the pain grew louder, and her breath even deeper and deeper.


Then shallow; her pulse rate decreased.


Wincing in pain, Gazella grabbed the corners of the pavement and at the cracks in the walls to help herself pull out from her dark memories. Her dull, weepy eyes were so intense that spoke a thousands words! Her feeble smile hid endless of unsaid, unheard, unseen stories. The scars and blisters on her pale skin screamed in silence.


That day her body writhed to be free but then, she let it go! She had loosened her fists and kept her body still. Her eyes staring at the dark, extensive sky. She lay there; lifeless and emotionless. Her heart could beat all it wanted, but her body had given up: on life, on love, on humanity. She just stayed there, waiting, staring, breathing…

– Tanya Jain

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