The War Must End

Respected President,

My name is Bethany Matthews, and I am a nurse in the local hospital near my house. My husband is a Special Warfare Boat Operator in the Navy and is away most of the year. Every month, I help treat a new wave of injured soldiers whose physical injuries can be treated, but their psychological injuries are incorrigible. I am writing this letter to express my resentment towards the war and to express my concerns towards the degrading living conditions of civilians.

Each morning, when the mothers send their kids to school, there is a constant feeling that that would be the last time they ever saw their innocent, joyous little faces. At the hospital, there is a perpetual scent of misery and suffering as the soldiers shriek in agony and shed tears of longing for happiness and reunion with their loved ones. It is painful to see that the youth who should have been out singing and dancing with their friends are lying here instead, in these blood-soaked beds, craving for a happy life long lost, friends long forgotten. Children, who should be out playing in the sunshine, sit at home instead, praying for a bomb-free day. Is this the kind of life we are fighting for? Is this the future we want to give our kids? A future where they will never know what a safe, secure life is and what happiness feels like; is the kind of future we are ensuring for our kids if we continue the war. Millions of warriors are fighting out there, but their war is not with the enemy nations’ soldiers, it is with death; they are fighting for survival, to live long enough to see their loved ones happy again. Alas, only few achieve victory. 

The war has to be stopped immediately, otherwise the devastation caused at the end will be beyond repair; there will be no one left to see the end of it, feel the glory. I hope that you will understand my concerns and put some thought into the undertaking of peace treaties to have the nation’s best interests at heart.

Yours sincerely,

Bethany Matthews

Dhruvie Shah

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