The Information Diet


It’s important to distinguish between what’s more problematic. Is it the fact that we’re loaded with abundant contradictory data or that we lack information? The answer is very clear: the issue is not that we don’t have enough information, the issue is that we have too much of it – and we get so confused and overloaded with the number of factual resources that it’s almost impossible for us to breathe, absorb, process and segregate it.

As a student who wants to get into a good university and is very unclear about it, I am told to research from multiple websites, attend thousands of webinars, talk to several councilors and take the opinions of various people; and while thorough research is absolutely essential, a situation like this can lead to a saturation point for a teenager. I like to compare this condition to “overeating”, which makes you sleepy, causes excessive gas and bloating.

The Generation X had a minimum number of particulars, unlike us who are now walking encyclopedias at the age of 14 – but why were they still more successful than us? Well, it’s the most basic logic! They had a fair level of schooling but a very accurate, clever and practical plan of action which made them better decision makers. In today’s world, we’re so desperate to be perfect, proper and precise that we spend 80% of our time gaining arguments and reasonings, and unfortunately implement only 20% of them which. We’re only accumulating and analyzing information, and becoming less productive with executing it.

The most effective solution to such an issue is to just do macro research, and start working on utilizing it rather than gathering it – “Knowledge without action is as useful as mirror to the blind.” We all know that we cannot know everything at the start of a process despite the theoretical techniques, and so it’s crucial to go through the process to become a grown, decisive, bold and mature leader at the end of the experience.

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.” – Albert Einstein

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