The Way

In shadowy pools

Where darkness rules,

I lie there, quivering

Shaking with me,

In this dark, dark sea

I can’t stop shivering 

I want to get out, I don’t like it here

But I’m infused with a trace of fear 

All these weights, when will I break?

Can you not see what is at stake?

Search for the light, they say

It’ll be bright, they say

So many things they say

But day never comes I say

A murky spark within me

Trying to light a fire 

It takes so long to start seeing

That I can aim much higher

I see it on the other side 

Moments like these are rare

When I feel there is no need to hide

And breathe in this sweet air

I think I’ve found myself in me 

I’ll offer me a way

At last I’ve found a way to see

And in myself I will stay 

By Samuel Barrett

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