Nature’s Nuance

Eating Our Way to Extinction is a documentary that does not rear away from hard truths. The main motive of the film revolves around our dietary choices and personal lifestyle that we have chosen, which has now led us to an unprecedented and imminent ecological collapse. Directed by brothers Ludo and Otto Brockway, the project spans multiple regions and continents and was filmed over the course of four years to uncover the numerous yet linked threats to our one planet home.

This documentary takes audiences on a cinematic journey around the world, telling the story of our planet through shocking testimonials. It includes heart-breaking accounts from indigenous people of the known regions most affected by our deteriorating planet, globally renowned figures and leading scientists.

This powerful documentary sends a simple but impactful message by uncovering the harsh reality of dietary habits and day-to-day living of the human population. It addresses the most pressing issue of our generation on the big screen.

Having the honour to be part of the official screening, I felt so relieved to know that we’re not alone in understanding the relationships between animal agriculture and a dying biosphere. It also helps us to know that there are others who are equally invested in showing the truth to people to push them towards changes that both improve our own health and the planet that sustains us.

“Our diet is taking us to our abyss.”

This dialogue from the film speaks volumes, as it clearly puts across the main and most vivid point of this documentary – how our food desires are bringing an end to our planet. At first it may seem bizarre as to how something as seemingly small as the food we consume could bring such devastating consequences on the world, but as we move along the film, factual evidence very convincingly explains the ‘how’ and ‘why’. This documentary does a wonderful job by covering the majority of aspects of this problem and sending off a clear, concise and powerful message to its viewers. The best part is: by the end of it you get to know the solutions to improve these conditions as well as our own health.

We all have the power to make an impact. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and what not – we have multiple chances to change the world for the better. So, Are you Eating To Extinction, or Eating For Tomorrow?

  • Priyanshi Parikh

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