Recently, Utpal Shanghvi Global School & PPSIJC hosted the IC3 Career Counseling Regional Forum and Career Fair. The event was massive with our guest speaker being the renowned chef, Ranveer Brar. The forum hosted 200 plus delegates and university representatives from around the world.

What makes this event even more special in the hearts of the A Level learners is that it was a completely student-led event. Under the guidance of our teachers, the students worked in specific departments, playing to their individual strengths: Outreach, Decoration, Hospitality, Catering, Registrations, Social Media, Photography, Feedback, and Performance! The cumulative efforts of over 50 students came together in a wonderful symphony to make the forum a thrilling success and a pleasant experience for everyone attending. We witnessed a wide exchange of information between university representatives and inquisitive students.

Curious minds availed the opportunity to inquire about universities, career options, and how to align them with their interests. Counselors and principals from various corners of the country and abroad were treated to a mesmerizing dance performance by our students that was a graceful display of passion and energy. As the day progressed and lunchtime arrived, everyone gathered around the warm buffet organized by the catering team. The food was refreshing and, soon after, the bustle of energy that was the IC3 forum was back in action. From intellectual conversations to the frantic questions of worried parents to new friendships built through teamwork, the forum was a rich experience for everyone attending.

By Shiv Tygai, AS-C

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