JBL Earbuds Review

I am the sort of person who cannot go a day without music, so naturally
I’m quite picky about the earphones I use.
Over the years I have come across a range of them, patiently waiting for
The One. A pair of earphones that make the world disappear, that
transport me to another land that I can get lost in, that allow me to
peacefully listen to mellow tunes and simply exist all alone (okay maybe
that’s a lot to ask for from earbuds but hey).
At last, the moment has come. I have found the perfect pair of
The JBL C115 True Wireless Earbuds come fully equipped with a mic
that will give you crystal-clear calls, a sound-cancelling feature that shuts
the world out (a little too well sometimes, you may end up accidentally
ignoring people) and 21 hours’ worth of battery, not to mention a 15-
minute charge can give you a whole hour of playing time. The sound
quality is excellent, neither the treble nor the bass are too overpowering;
giving you a natural, well-balanced soundstage.
These earphones come with 3 sizes of earbuds so that they fit your ear
perfectly. In all honesty, mine have fallen off maybe twice or thrice, but
they usually stay in pretty snugly.
These earbuds have served me well and are quite affordable at ₹4,000.
So, if you’ve been debating which earphones to buy, I hope this was of
some assistance!

-Ahika Jani, A2-C.

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