Sense of Self

The most important thing to remember in today’s individualistic-striving world is that you are

part of a whole. Only when you realise that your existence in the world is almost unimpressionable, will your existence start to matter to you. Knowing that existence is good enough is the first step to reaching a better mental state. Start living for yourself, and be sympathetic and benevolent. Know that living for yourself does not mean being ungrateful and heinous. Project kindness and kindness is what you will receive. However, if you continue living without taking time out for yourself, you will lose your sense of being. Taking time apart for yourself by glorifying nature may make you realise just how complex and beautiful the world is. 

Be good to yourself, and be good to the world.

Garnering a stable sense of self will not only improve your decision-making skills, but you may begin to accept yourself for who you truly are. This is quintessentially important in today’s media-heavy life, which people use to showcase their seemingly perfect lives. An ideal life is an age-old dream stemming from the start of civilization, which many people have died trying to live. Perfection is nothing more than a corrupted concept. Delusion via perfection is a direct path to mental destruction. A truly flawless experience is one that we live every single day. Unpredictable and exciting, no matter the metric. Strive for self-improvement, strive for mental peace, and strive for kindness. That’s how you can truly start to understand yourself. The perfect version of yourself is nothing more than the version that puts you at peace, within yourself. Be proud of the person you have become after facing your struggles, instead of trying to fit into a certain category.

The sole thing that defines us, humans, is emotions. Knowing that your emotions are unique

to you, and knowing that no two people can feel in the same way is tragically beautiful. This circles back to the sense of self in a community. Having a strong sense of self can also indirectly eradicate insecurities and the desire to fit in, any behaviours you exhibit to fit into a community. Being a part of a community will eventually make you realise that love is the strongest and most powerful tool that humans have. Love transcends reality. Humans are so incredibly favouring and in search of love that it blurs boundaries and makes us forget practicality. It subconsciously deludes our mind to such an extent that we start exaggerating emotions to limits our sober mind would consider insane. Humans are on earth to love, and love we definitely will.

Ved Deshpande

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