The Room Left Behind

I entered a little room for the first time one day,
and I was floored, simply blown away.
In front of me was a verdant wall,
with a painted figure standing tall.

The vivid viridans and bright blues,
I was enraptured with these hues.
The reds rang out and the yellows blazed,
and immediately they drew my gaze.

The vibrant colours met the defined lines,
To form a great big image they combined.
A dazzling parrot they fabricated,
Its sparkling eyes, the room: permeated.

Its beak glinted like obsidian, trilliant,
Regarding me was a macaw, Brazilian.
Almost as if determining if I was to be
The next occupant of the room it oversees.

I took in the sights, let them soak a while,
They left a lasting impression on this child.
I knew this was the house for me,
The rest of the room I had no need to see.

We moved in shortly after,
The house was ours well and true.
We stayed there naught but a year,
much to my dismay and rue.

We had to shift to Mumbai,
My dad’s work took us there.
The room was left behind,
But still it holds me ensnared.

– Dhruv Golchha A2 A

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