Timeless Dreams, Youthful Gleams

In fields of emerald green, where the setting sun gleamed,
We danced and played, in dreams forever steamed,
Beneath the setting sun’s warm golden rays, we’d ignore our parent’s screams,

Back flipping off of park rides and cartwheeling around, oh so bold…
Our sacred haven, where we’d craft tales that in the future would be told,
We’d climb its heights, our spirits uncontrolled
In those days, unknown, our imaginations strolled

Summer days, an endless carousel,
Of boundless joy, where time could never quell
Each moment with our friends, as enchanting as repeating a Harry Potter spell,
In childhood’s realm, where all was well.

Through meadows verdant, wild and free,
We’d run and roam, in ecstatic spree,
Discovering toys in our Gems Balls and Kinder Joys,
We were unbeknownst to these corporate ploys,

The echoes of our laughter and screeches still resound,
In the whistling winds, forever unbound,
Though time may pass, and seasons change their round,
No one could ever forget that one cricket ground,

The halls of Hogwarts and the skies of Neverland,
Morphing from invincible Wizards to friendly ol’ Peter Pan,

The highest stone in the park was now Pride Rock,
Simba’s courage, and our childhood crush Nala’s presence inspiring us to be extra fast with our bikes on the sidewalk…
I look back through a pixelated picture at that last dance
I wish we could all unite for a final prance.

Neel Tanna, A2-B

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