Through the Eyes of a Three-Year Old

“For oft, when on my couch I lie,
In vacant or in pensive mood, 
They flash upon that inward eye,
Which is the bliss of solitude”

 – William Wordsworth

Sunshine awakens a young child, as he walks to the bathroom, his eyes still negotiating for more sleep. As the svelte boy walks into the bathroom, his mouth widens and he lets out a big yawn. He turns on the light and looks at himself in the mirror. “Today is a big day, I cannot wait to go!”, thinks the boy in Konkani, his mother tongue.

That boy was me, Kovidh. Of the many happy instances from my childhood that I remember, 23rd September 2011 has to be the most memorable one. It was my third birthday. 

“Happy Birthday Kovidh” wished my parents, looking at their tiny tot. Little Kovidh with his chubby cheeks walked with his parents to the car and they fastened the seatbelt for him. I remember the old car. A Hyundai i10, a car model so nostalgic, whenever I see one on the street, I look at it and smile.

My parents had enrolled me in the Besant Montessori in Juhu. A surprise had been planned.

After we arrived, my father asked me to stand with my mother for a picture. “Smile!”, he exclaimed joyfully. The day continued as normal, my friends wished me and the teachers wished me too. I did not expect much to happen, after all, I was only THREE YEARS OLD! We played with paints, sang nursery songs, learnt about ladybugs.

“Oh how different they look!”, I must’ve thought.

Then suddenly, the teachers helped us form a line. We were going out to play, I would’ve thought. Once we all assembled in the courtyard, my teacher suddenly asked me to walk up to the podium. I did as I was told. Did I fear it? Probably not.

Then suddenly everybody started singing, “Happy Birthday Kovidh”, I covered my face out of shyness and the feeling of joy overwhelmed me. How happy I was! The atmosphere was filled with glee and I couldn’t believe that everybody was singing for me! Then everybody started clapping. It was the best feeling ever!

I will never forget that day. It is perhaps one of the most memorable moments of my childhood.

Our childhood arguably makes for our best memories. Let us all cherish those sparks of inquisitiveness, those dollops of curiosity. The moments where we enjoyed every second of our life.

Kovidh Manel, AS-C

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